Hannah's Garden was part of a series that was to have been originally published by Byron Preiss with art by Brian Froud. Alas, the series went under before it was completed, so I re-wrote the novel as Young Adult fiction. I have always thought that most families have generational secrets -- and that part of growing up is stumbling upon these secrets and having that "Ah ha!" moment as some peculiar aspect of one's family is suddenly explained. My father learned at 66 that the man he believed to be his father wasn't...which made me realize that I also had a different lineage. My mother was good friends with a couple who ran a small bar in L.A. and discovered one night, as they were comparing notes about their absent fathers, that the woman Liz was, in fact, my mother's step-sister. (My maternal grandfather was an itinerant artist, a ladies' man, a fabulous cook, and a notable trickster.) So Hannah's Garden is about discovering one has very unusual ancestors.