I seem to be pulled in too many different directions to get much done on the blog...but one thing I have to say, is how much amazing art I have been collecting to keep my thoughts cooking with the novel. Sometimes, that's the best I can do for a while, build up an interior vision of the novel by falling into unexpected art. Some might consider that a time-waster -- but it isn't, any more than lying on the couch day dreaming or taking a long run, or knitting a hat to unravel plotted snags. As long as one eventually rolls back to the keyboard. But for right now...over the next week or so...here's my life in images.
So here is this...stunner, right? Look at that beautiful face, that sumptuous velvet, the embroidery. This is "Die Heilige Dorothea" by Lucas Cranach, ca 1530 Germany. A painting of St. Dorothea of Caeserea, virgin martyr and patron saint of gardeners (especially orchard growers.)