The pleasure of unpacking in a rented house is deciding once and for all to unpack everything, knowing that in due time, one will be moving again. So there is a desire on my part to organize and winnow everything that has sat in a box somewhere in my old attic for thirty years waiting to be noticed. Well, I am noticing now!
A while back I posted a cache of these lovely "calling cards" which you can view in a gallery located on the right sidebar. They belonged to my great grandmother as mementos of past visitors to her home. In a file folder, I found a handful more -- and these are a bit different. Most of them express a sentiment on the front and then when one lifts the hand or the image, there is a signature underneath on the card stock. They are quite ornate -- and I love the ones with the images of the houses as though seen in a crystal ball. So here are a few more to enjoy.
"Bright as fair flowers, be thy life's fair hours!"